Saturday, October 2, 2010


Rock Out like the girl of your dreams just called you cause she needed someone to talk to, Rock Out like your band just got put on tour, Rock Out like big foot was asleep in your back yard, Rock Out like the goverment just called you and said no more taxes they want to pay YOU, Rock Out like your favortie song just came on the radio, Rock out like YOUR concert is sold out 3 mounths before show time, Rock Out like you have the most facebook friends in the world, Rock Out like spring break is tomorrow, Rock Out Like your favorite band is in town and you have backstage passes, Rock Out like your the last man on earth except a civilization of Bikini models, Rock out like you just found Amelia Earhart is chillin on your porch, Rock Out like your in love and don't care who knows it, Rock Out like cancer was just cured, Rock out like you where put in the paper cause you where too sexy to be true, Rock Out cause you Can.

1 comment:

  1. The first line is flawless! Rock out like the girl of your dreams just called you cause she needed someone to talk to!!! Wow that's tight!

